Flood Protection Information
To all residents living in the vicinity of Bannister Creek, Reynolds Channel, and Brosewere Bay:
This notice serves as part of an awareness program which advises you, as a resident of the Village of Lawrence, what steps you can take to protect your property and the Village of Lawrence. It also advises you of the steps that the Village is undertaking to protect you and the Village as a whole.
You live in or near what is referred to as the "100 year floodplain". This is an area which is statistically subject to flooding once every 100 years. These areas are located adjacent to Bannister Creek, Reynolds Channel and Brosewere Bay.
The Village of Lawrence has been a leader, over the past eight (8) years in proactively addressing residents’ awareness of possible flood hazards in the areas that they reside. The Village goals have been to prevent or reduce flood damage and reduce the premiums of Federally mandated insurance.
Flood maps and flood protection references are available at the Peninsula Public Library and the Village of Lawrence Building Department. Detailed maps indicating the area in which you are located are on file at the Village Hall. Smaller floods have a greater chance of occurring in any year and could still create a significant flood hazard to people and property close to these waters. The flood materials located at the Village of Lawrence Building Department and Peninsula Public Library can give you preventative measures to protect yourself and your property. The Village’s Building Department is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM @ (516) 239-3987 to help you determine if you reside in a floodplain.
Several of the Village’s efforts depend on your cooperation and assistance. Here is how you can help:
- Do not dump or throw anything into ditches or streams. Dumping in the Village’s ditches and streams is a violation of Village Ordinance 106-5. Even grass clippings and branches can accumulate and plug channels. As part of the Village’s maintenance program, inspections of all drainage areas are conducted, and debris and blockages are removed.
- If your property is next to a ditch or stream, please do your part and keep the banks clear of brush and debris.
- If you see dumping or debris in the ditches or streams, contact the Village of Lawrence at 516-239-4600.
- Always check with the Building Department before you build on or alter your property. A permit may be needed to ensure that the projects do not cause problems on other properties.
- If you see building or filling of land where a Village permit is not posted, contact the Building Department at 516-239-3987.
Property Protection
There are several different ways to protect a building from flood damage. One way is to keep the water away by building a small floodwall or earthen berm. This method only works if your lot is large, if flooding is not too deep, and if your property is not in the floodway.
Another approach is to make your walls waterproof, and place watertight closures over doors and windows. This method is not recommended for houses with basements or if water rises two feet above normal levels.
A third approach is to raise the house above flood levels.
Many houses, even those not in the floodplain, have sanitary sewers that can back up into a basement or crawl space during heavy rains. A plug or standpipe can stop this if the water doesn’t get more than one or two feet deep. The plugs can be purchased at local plumbing supply warehouses. Standpipes can be installed by a licensed plumber. For more severe flooding, a plumber could install a backflow valve to prevent a sewer backup.
These measures are referred to as flood proofing or retrofitting.
Important note: Any alteration to your building or land requires a permit from the Building Department.
If you know a flood is coming, you should shut off the gas and electricity and move valuable contents to higher levels.. It is unlikely that you will get much warning, so a detailed checklist prepared in advance would help ensure that all flood safety procedures are taken.
Food Safety
If you are a recipient of this notice, you should be concerned about a flood hazard. There are several actions you can take to mitigate a flood hazard, including:
- Know the flood warning procedures.
- Plan escape routes to high ground.
- During heavy rainfall and high tides, tune in to radio and TV for possible flood warnings.
- Evacuate the flood hazard area in times of impending flood or when advised to do so.
- If your car stalls in high water, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground.
- Keep children away from flood waters, ditches, culverts and storm drains.
- Be especially cautious at night.
Flood Protection Assistance
Flood maps and flood protection references are available at the Village Hall. The Building Department can give you more specific information, such as, depth of flooding over a buildings first floor, and past flood problems in your area. Also, if requested, the Building Department will visit a property to review its flood hazard, and explain possible ways to stop flooding or prevent flood damage. Please contact 239-3987 should you require this service.
Flood Insurance
Your homeowner’s policy will not cover losses due to flooding. The Village of Lawrence participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which makes flood insurance available to everyone in the Village. For many people, their home and its contents represent their greatest investment. We strongly urge you to protect yourself from devastating losses due to flooding. Information about flood insurance can be obtained from your insurance agent. You do not have to live in the floodplain to qualify for flood insurance. Property owners can insure their buildings and contents; tenants can insure their possessions. Just because your house hasn’t flooded in the recent past, doesn’t mean that you are safe. There is a 30-day waiting period before a flood insurance policy can take effect, so don’t delay calling your insurance agent.
If the Village can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact our Village Staff.
For more information go to www.fema.gov.